Thus if you want to maintain an identity and to connect with your customers, you must consider few things while choosing colors and fonts that fit your brand.
The relation between colors and emotions:
The color is associated with different kinds of emotions like softness, hot, exciting, soothing, professional etc. In addition, different colors have different traits and meanings.
- Orange is related to creative and thoughtfulness.
- Yellow represents friendly, smart and understanding.
- Red denotes love, danger and emotional.
- Green is fresh, money, life etc.
- White means clean, simple, good, pure.
- Violet denotes loyal, plentiful, royalty.
This way the companies may feel while choosing colors and fonts that fit their brands and not only that, the customers also might see the colors this way because this is the general traits of the above- mentioned colors.
Choosing the right font is important:
Fonts can make your brand unique. Fonts also have some specific traits Fonts.
- Traits
- Times New Roman
- Sincerity
- Comic Sans
- Childish and happy
- Serif
- Official and traditional
- Arial
- Stable
- Monotype Corsiva
- Polite and attractive
- Impact
- Assertive
- Rockbold Xbold
- assertive
Though this is not concrete, yet it is a general understanding for both- sellers and buyers. Bear in mind, if specific fonts are used too much, it becomes irritating to the consumer.
Sometimes, there is interplay of two or three colors like Mc Donald is a combination of red and yellow, while Pepsi is a bold interplay of red, blue and white. So, choose your palette with a few bold colors. Your palette may use neutral colors as the background. The combination of ‘driver' colors and background' colors is really important for your brand and logo.
Conclusion: You must be consistent while choosing colors and fonts that fit your brand. You might stick to them religiously. Thus, in conclusion, I must say that Website Development company must emphasize on colors and fonts to keep their brand updated to the market. And at the time of choosing colors and fonts, you must keep in mind that colors and fonts are related to emotions of the customers. So be cautious of that because colors and fonts used in your brand have a great appeal to the public.