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Saturday, 26 November 2016

Rebuild your site for improved SEO

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Redesign of a website would be like walking into the minefield in terms of search engine optimization. And the worst case scenario would be you could lose all your search engine ranking and have to start from scratch but it won’t happen as long as you perform the transition of redesign of website correctly. One of the most important things you have to remember is that search engine is the most important part for your targeted audience of new website. While making the changes in website you have to make sure you have made the changes in a way that it is user friendly for search engine and easy to understand which includes domain, site, links etc...Which will not effect on your previous ranking? Most of the Website Development Company in Bangalore keeps this in mind while applying changes in website or in updating.  

There are some basic things you should always remember while making the changes in website so that it won’t effect on your search engine result.

·         Responsive design - you have to ensure that site is responsive and support on all devices from your smart phone to your larger desktop monitor.
·         Allows the keyword within the address of your relevant page and always ensure the keyword you have promoted earlier which have good ranking on Google are not removed so you can get benefit of that traffic. 
·         Try to use easy image tagging with keyword 
·         Usage of the text labels make it more simple and efficient which enforce of important keywords with heading tags etc...
·         Try to create in build blogging tools which give you more comfort for posting regular content on your website. Most of the Website Development Services Bangalore provides this service which is very useful and effective. And also try to put the redirection link of different social media platforms which helps you to get more visibility on your social media pages.
·         You cannot forget that behind the scene coding has been already optimised for search engine.
·         Redesign of website means getting changes in the URL for the pages it’s important that you use 301 redirects to inform search engine that website content has been permanently moved to new location. This is how you can inform the search engine that the new or similar content it’s safe to assign the same rank to the new page. So while changing the page you should always take care of it.
·         One of the very important thing that you should always remember that transition from old website to new website if includes a change of domain name. Then you should breaking down the process into two separate steps. First move old site to new domain name setting the redirection 301 one-to-one after that you can launch new website with new domain with correct redirects.

Making changes in the website will not get you good result but applying the correct method and its implementation will give you good business value of your hard work. The steps explain ahead will definitely help you in remember of some important points which you should take in consider to get the benefit of the work you have done earlier.


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