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Wednesday, 21 February 2018

How to Turn Facebook Fans Into your Customers

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Your Facebook page has no dearth for likes. In fact, they like to share and comment on your posts. But they hardly go for a purchase on your website? Does that scenario sound familiar? You might be wondering why they stay away from making a purchase despite showing tremendous interest on Facebook. May be you have not created the right content which makes way for sales. There is no point in posting funny, highly-interactive content which leads to no sale.

You shouldn’t make posts which focuses solely on your product. You should not make posts which have very little to do with your product either. It’s about telling an interesting story where you can effortlessly talk about your product as well. You can easily find a Social Media Marketing Company in Bangalore to assist you in this.

Let’s see how you can create paying customers from your Facebook likes below.

Fan only coupons drive sales
If you truly want the attention of your potential customers, then you have to think about fan only coupons. Customers simply love coupons. At the least, they will be inclined to browse through the list of your products. They have liked your page. But that is no indication that they are going to buy the products. May be, they just want to subscribe to the interesting posts you share on Facebook. Coupons are a great way to entice your potential customers. You need to realize the fact that customers always appreciate coupons and discounts. However, you need to realize the fact that coupons are far more enticing than discounts. And that is mainly because of the fact that coupons are free. To make it an effective strategy, you have to make it fans only. You should take the help of a Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore in implementing the same.

Introduce the product with the help of a story
The most important thing you need to remember is that products can be really boring. People will find your product exciting only when you show them the cool applications for this product. The idea is to come up with a story which is interesting for the users. And it is about having a clever strategy to intrigue the Facebook fans. You should not emphasise too much on the product. Instead, you should focus on activity and results. Images work better than words. So try to go for apt images in place of texts.

Behind-the-scene footage helps build trust
People love to learn about what goes on behind the scenes. And if you let them be a part of it, they will show more excitement in buying your product. When they understand what happens behind the scene, they will make a mental note of the product you are selling. And when they finally have some use for it, they will recall your brand before any other brand.

Employee interviews
You might not believe it – but employee interviews can be really helpful in creating an interest in the minds of potential customers.

Show how it gets made
When you show people how you make your product, customers are bound to respect the brand more. It also gives you an opportunity to tell your customers that you maintain a certain standard when it comes to the production.

Try the aforementioned methods to turn your Facebook likes into paying customers.


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