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Thursday, 15 February 2018

Steps Make a Small Business Website

5 Simple Steps Make a Small Business Website Designing 

- A Simple Guide For 2018

Professional website development companies in Bangalore have a view that there were very few small businesses which acquire their websites and there are more people who are planning to design their websites in 2018. Some marketers don’t create a website as they find it a difficult task to do. But not having a website means wasting the potential of gaining more customers and hence losing the revenue which could be earned. However, creating or designing a website is really easy and you can do it simply by just performing 5 easy steps. 

Website Designing Company in Bangalore

Here, we are discussing a 5 step guide for those who are planning for the websites of their small businesses. Hope it will help you:

1. Select your small business domain name and get it registered
The very first step one need to follow is to choose a domain name for small business website for ex, and check whether the name is available or not on the respective domain search tool like In case your domain name is available, you need to get registered by filling details and make payment. But in case, it’s not available, you need to make some changes and adjust your name. .com domain is more preferable if its available, otherwise you can add some suffix and amend your domain name.

2. Selecting the platform or the host
The next step after choosing the domain name of the small business, you need to choose the right platform that will be hosting your website. There are various platforms such as Wordpress, Weebly, Wix, blue host etc. you can choose among them correctly as they will be the host platforms who’ll be storing your website and make visitors seen them. Each platform has its own payment structure and some of them also allow you to design your website for free. Business website design Bangalore prefer Weebly and blue host as top platforms for creating business website design.

3. Create website content
The next step you need to perform is to outline your website content. Rich and less content is best for any website. The creation of content comprises of homepage that should describe the motive or the work of your business, products and services that are provided by the business, about us section covers the company’s background and testimonials, and lastly the contact details in the ‘contact us’ segment.

4. Logo design
Deciding a logo is an important part of your whole website. The logo should be simple, related to theme and should complement the web pages of the websites. The color font and style of the logo directly impacts the website. In case you have an existing logo off-line then it’s perfect and if not, then designing a logo is necessary.

5. Design your website
After get ready with all the segments of your website, assembling it together and making website attractive is real job. A visitor decides in just 2-3 seconds whether he’ll be stating or abandoning. So, make sure that you will create good impact at first site so that you can retain the existing visitors and attracting more traffic.


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